Baseball tryouts

Double A Baseball (Competitive)

Parents, is your athlete looking to play in one of our Double A (Competitive) level baseball leagues? Prior to each season AA Baseball teams host tryouts to evaluate potential players to invite to join their roster. You’ll find a list of teams and their contact info below. Please contact the coach to learn more and to confirm tryout dates and times before attending. Also, be aware that teams may have extra fees, tournament commitments and practice expectations, so please be sure to ask the coach about these as you are considering an offer to join a team.

Coaches - to list your team, please first register, then reach out to your League Director.

TeamCoachEmailPhone Number
7UAA RidersJarrett Dunawayjdunaway@cresa.com214-280-3196
7UAA PadresArmando PalominoArmando_palomino25@outlook.com408-718-9091
8UAA DragonsAdam Henrichadamhenrich1@gmail.com972-839-2535
8UAA RoyalsRyan Huffmanryan.huffman@nadel.com619-218-7449
8UAA NTX TitansGary 
8UAA NTX MuckdogsDylan WillikyDylan.williky@gmail.com817-903-1246
8UAA Frisco TorosMatt Hernandezfriscotoros@gmail.com469-682-7166
9UAA Frisco RidersRandy Groscoach.randy02@gmail.com504-228-2623
9UAA RidersMike MorrisCoach.MikeM@yahoo.com916-869-5159
9UAA Frisco BatsBrian LaFoybrianlafoy@gmail.com214.957.8465
10UAA NTX VikingsBrad 
10UAA RidersLanny Rogerslannyrogers@gmail.com972-322-6683
11UAA Frisco GatorsAdam Akbanyadamakbany@gmail.com214-468-8550
11UAA PiratesScott Murphyp.scottmurphy87@gmail.com480-235-6156
11UAA RidersNick Wurtznick.wurtz@gmail.com832-493-1292
11UAA Frisco BobcatsJosh Maddinjmaddin@gmail.com214-293-2011
11UAA AggiesRich Wiegardrrwiegard@gmail.com214-455-1510
11UAA WolverinesMike DePintomdepinto12@gmail.com214-930-3515
11UAA Frisco BruinsJason 
12UAA GeneralsRich Sweezeysweezey@gmail.com214-695-6777
12UAAA RidersBen ClarkBclark1125@gmail.com310-735-7774
13UAA BruinsCraig 
13UAA BruinsGregg Bassgbass34@sbcglobal.net214-641-0790
13UAA OutlawsBrad 
13UAA Dirt DevilsAnibal Ramosadkjramos@gmail.com469-556-4799
13UAA RattlersKyle Hellerkheller1970@gmail.com469-450-6349‬
13UAA ArsenalWill 
13UAA Prosper GraysJason Laseterjason.laseter@gmail.com254-715-9383
13UAA Frisco ForceDave Ermerfriscoforce1@gmail.com801-791-0160
13UAA CannonsBryan